Monday, December 12, 2011

D.A.R.E. Blog

For this blog, you will post your best/most memorable sentence from your D.A.R.E. essay. You need to type up the essay and hand it in to me or Mrs. Camilo with your name on the top. Do NOT post the whole essay!!!!

We have learned a lot in DARE over the past 10 weeks with Detective Gabrielsen! We now know the different types of peer pressure, how to make healthy decisions, and have learned about self esteem through fun role plays and hands-on learning.

The essay due this Friday is:
What did you learn in D.A.R.E.?
You need to look at your D.A.R.E. notebook entries to help you write your essay. (Essays should be about a page.) Please take your book home to do this!



Golden Eagle said...

By making the right choices, your body will be healthy and you will be happy.

Jaguar said...

My faviote sentnce was When he said "mAjjuna and taboco is bad for you " I liked it bacuse i liked that unit

Porcupine said...

My most memorable sentence in my D.A.R.E essay was when I said "I don’t plan on taking cigarettes or marijuana in the future because I want a healthy life." because I know it's true.

black panther said...

Over 400,000 people die per year from tobacco.

I like that sentance because it really shows that smoking is bad for you.

I hate to think that thats why people are dying.

Wouldn't they know what the're doing is horrible?

Blue Jay said...

I learned so much in D.A.R.E., and I think everything was fun, but I think my favorite part was when we used Foggles. I had used them before, so I knew what it was like, but this experience was different than the first. I don't think I'll ever forget what it feels like to wear foggles. It was hilarious trying to walk in a straight line myself, and watching other people attempt this feat. But I also have a very important question. What time is it? It's ______ time!

Turtle said...

My most memorable sentence from my D.A.R.E. essay is: The three gateway drugs are: marijuana, alcohol and tobacco they have harmful effects, maybe not right away but over time or after the effects wear off but the drugs are still in your body. I like this sentence because it explains a major subject that Det. Gabrielsen discussed with us.

RoadRunner said...

D.A.R.E. has helped altered my decisions in future life in a good way.

Betta said... said...

My favorite memory from dare is the fogels because it was so fun.

Eagle said...

If you avoid violence, then you will have less black and blues and less of a chance to go to jail!

Bunny said...

I think my best sentence in my D.A.R.E. essay is the first sentence: “D.A.R.E. has taught us a lot about decisions.” Because a lot of D.A.R.E. is teaching us to make the right choices in our lives. You want to make the correct choice first because the path you choose will be the one you take for a while. That’s why D.A.R.E. teaches us while we are young and have to make important decisions for our life ahead of us.

Hawk said...

My best sentence from my D.A.R.E. essay is: “It is really important that you make wise decisions.” That is my best sentence because you really have to make the right decisions for yourself, or if you don’t, you could get involved in making bad decisions. That is why that is my best sentence from my D.A.R.E. essay.

Anonymous said...

Catfish said...
On my D.A.R.E essay, my most important line or sentence is making your own decision is important. I say this because the last line of every paragraph is basicly what the whole paragraph is all about. In peer pressure you learn to make your own decision. That is what that sentence is about.

Cheetah said...

My favorite line from my dare essay is "because life is to precious to waste." Ever scence Mrs. Mcmanus told us about the essay this week that was the only line that I thought of. This line means that we all love our life and that its to important to us to make dumb decisions.

Sponge!♡(: said...

Before we knew it, D.A.R.E. was over and we’re graduating. The D.A.R.E. experience changed our lives for the better, and I’m glad we all went through it.

Grasshopper said...

My favorite sentence is… 13 % of eighth graders have had alcohol within 30 days.

Parrot (OvO) said...

My favorite sentence from my essay is...
Now I will think before I will say, click, or agree to anything.

♣Elephant♣ said...

My favorite sentence from my D.A.R.E. essay was:

Marijuana is illegal in the United States of America.

Armadillo said...

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death.

Penguin said...

My favorite sentence form my D.A.R.E. essay would be: “Tobacco and marijuana are addicting, your first try may just be your last time free from it.”

εїз Butterfly said...

Those 10 weeks felt so short because it was so fun!

Panda* said...

My favorite sentence is say no. I like it because it makes your peer pressure go up and it makes you stand up for yourself and feel better. Instead of having low peer pressure and making yourself miserable.

Falcon said...

The information will be really helpful if someone came across a decision that is really hard and could change your life.

Zebra said...

My most memorable sentience was my most important sentience. It was "D.A.R.E. will help me in the future so I don't make bad mistakes. That is important to me because if I make those mistakes I will not succeed.

Arctic Hare said...

Most importantly I learned how to treat my body with care and fairness from the D.A.R.E. program.

Key Deer said...

I peresonally adore this sentence from my D.A.R.E. Essay. 'Alcohol is like a weapon; it stabs every organ in your body damaging it.'

PUFFER FISH!! :) said...

The one sentence i like in my essay is...
"Drugs can have big effects on you like getting into an ACCIDENT."

I like it because i feel like it very important to know what could happen to you if u take drugs.

Husky ♥ said...

Cigarettes are addicting if you start you cant stop, its like you pay to die.

oranatane said...

I learned a lot of important facts about drugs but the most important lesson that I learned from the D.A.R.E. program was how to avoid peer pressure. I learned that there are three forms of peer pressure. They are THE GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY. The Good peer pressure will benefit you in the present and future. The Bad peer pressure will get you in trouble and not benefit you now or in the future. The Ugly peer pressure will negatively, physically or mentally will affect your life at present or in the future. It can also get you arrested or killed. The D.A.R.E program showed me how to walk away from negative dangers of peer pressures. They taught me that it’s okay to say no, walk away and how to stay safe. They taught me that if a friend does not respect my answers or actions, they are not my friends and to stay away from them. They taught me how to stay SAFE

Caribou said...

The dare blog was easy and I dont really get the point of having to do the essay, when we could just write one last journal entry of what we thought.

Beaver said...

I think it is good to follow what DARE says because it is and will be very helpful for me later in life.

TIGER said...

I've appreciated how D.A.R.E has helped me as a person to help me make good choices and acknowledge how bad drugs are.

Alligator said...

My favorite sentence is D.A.R.E is saying out loud D.A.R.E Time because you never get to scream loud only in D.A.R.E.

Anonymous said...

Wolf said... :^)
In those 10 weeks of D.A.R.E my favorite sentence (or word) is No. It is a very powerful word and it can answer many questions. For example, "Would you like a drink?" the answer to that sentence would be No. That is why No, is my most favorite and memorable sentence.
(or my most favorite and memorable word)

Duck said...

The sentence in my essay that i thought would help me for when i am older and someone is making me do something i don't want to do is NO. Thats all you have to say.

PlAtYpUs said...

My favorite sentence in my D.A.R.E. essay is "I learned so much during D.A.R.E. it’s unbelievable.", because it's true. I learned so much in D.A.R.E., more than I expected!

Snow leoard♥♥♥ said...

In D.A.R.E. I learned a lot of things, my favorite thing that we learned about was- peer pressure. . I liked going up and practicing saying no or just leave. I think it also will help me stand up for myself. So I think that D.A.R.E. is very important ♫♪♫♪♫♪

rattlesnake said...

I learned that every 5 seconds a person dies from smoking. That really made me not want to smoke.

Viper said...

Just because you don’t do the same thing as someone doesn’t mean you can’t be friends. That is my favorite sentence because it fights giving in.

Girrafe said...

My favorite sentence the last sentence were I say Dare is a great program and it should go on for a long time.

Lion said...

My most memorable sentence of my D.A.R.E. essay is, before D.A.R.E I knew that alcohol was bad for your body but I didn’t know it was this bad for your body.

blue tounge skink said...

He told us about the three gateway drugs marawana tobacco and cigarettes and how to resist them and how to be your own person by that I mean stand up to peer pressure.

komodo dragon said...

my favorite sentance was the meaning of dare. another is that 400000 people die of tabacco.

DoLpHiN:) said...

I had a lot of favorite sentences, but my favorite is; "There are like 1 million ways to say no." I love that sentence because it's true!

Anonymous said...

arctic fox<3 says...
While learning DARE and writing my essay I found a lot of things that are interesting to me. Like that drugs can be good but sometimes deadly.

HegdeHog said...

Dare has been a fabulous influence in my life. Even though this is my second year and I already knew what we were already going to do, I still had fun. Also the main reason I had fun was because, the type of teacher my class and I had, he was fun, caring, energetic, and he really loves kids, but even when he’s fun he still is serious at work and his name is Detective Gabrielson. I wish we could have more weeks with him but some good things always have to end.

Hyena said...

By Hyena
After I did my D.A.R.E. blog I found that I liked a lot of sentences. All though I liked one sentence over all of them. That sentence was smoking kills. I like this sentence because it's true. Smoking kills somneone every 8 seconds. D.A.R.E. taught me a lot about decision making and smoking is one that I'm saying no to.

human said...

My favorite sentence was when I said that marijuana really can screw up your life.

Anonymous said...

Wolf said... :^)
The best sentence from my D.A.R.E essay is "Peer pressure is sometimes good." That is my favorite sentence because I learned something knew, I thought peer pressure was always bad.